Bodywork Compassionate Inquiry Yoga Retreats Mentoring



equable; even-minded; with equanimity

there is no separation - all is one

A Return to Being & to embodiment

Develop Bodymind awareness

Allow trust & healing  

Practice Self-care & Discernment

Discover dharma & how to keep life simple

undo false beliefs 

Become Heart-Centred

re-establish gut/brain/heart connection

Sustain inner Balance

Live the Life you Consciously Choose

There is Everything to Gain & Nothing to Lose


Samacitta means equanimity or balance. I offer bodywork and compassionate inquiry sessions that deepen connection, authenticity, regulation and physical and emotional balance.. We can uncover and undo whatever it is that conceals or impedes your sense of true Self and freedom.  The intention is for you to reconnect with living fully in the present, to trust in your own experience, to enhance ease and stability, to take responsibility and choose conscious ‘right’ action. To experience inner vitality and to realise truth.

Samacitta is a Sanskrit worD meaning Equanimity; Even-Minded or Equable - it is all about Balance
